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Peaks Above Clouds
Reiki Treatment
Fog and Nature
Beautiful Nature

Spiritual Retreats

Coming Soon


Integrated Energy Healing



Image by Boudhayan Bardhan

Advanced Practices for Reiki Grandmasters

Ancient Healing Methods

Learn Shamanism and other ancient healing methods in South America.

Next retreat planned in Ecuador March 2022.

Integrating Body Mind and Spirit Through Ayurveda

Learn Ayurveda in India. Integrate knowledge and practice.

Retreat date TBD

Continuing Education Seminar and Retreat

Retreats for Reiki Grandmasters. A chance to meet with GM's in your community, travel abroad, and connect with nature. A collective teaching initiative to develop advanced practices. Earn 100 hours toward your naturotherapy membership.
Next retreat planned in Ecuador November 2022.

Get in Touch
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